Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Odds of This Blog Lasting More Than a Week...

Hi, I'm Jess.  I have a slight case of ADD, I'm manic-depressive, I'm neurotic as shit...and have been known to act a little psychotic from time to time.  Welcome.

I've been doing some soul-searching lately -- come on? I'm neurotic and md, of course I've been soul-searching...for, like, my entire life -- and I've come to the realization that a blog just may be a good source of release and therapy for me.  Mostly because I cannot afford nor do I want to pay for a therapist just so I can do their job for them.  But it doesn't take a genius (like me!) to figure out that my personal combination of neuro-napalm is quite detrimental to inter-personal relationships.  ...That means it makes my fiance hate me sometimes, brainiac.

So I thought 'what can I do to stop myself from pushing him away and missing out on some great opportunities in life?'  (Oh! Oh!  I know!  Pick me!)  Well for starters, I can keep my mouth shut and not say every stupid, lousy, nagging damned thing I think of when I'm talking to him.  I need to trust, and back off, and not jump to horrible conclusions when he takes some time to hang out with friends on the weekend.  And I need some kind of outlet for all my bad mojo.  'Like a blog?'  Ding!  You got it, want a cookie?

So join me (daily? weekly?) -- or not, I don't care -- in my adventures dealing with craziness, and trying to maintain communication and happiness in my (hopefully, if I don't f--- it up) future marriage engagement.

...and to answer the question -- the odds of this blog lasting more than a week aren't very high.  I am ADD, afterall!  But, hey! We can try!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jess-E-ca,
    I love you.

    And that was fun to read.
    ...just sayin.
